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est avec nous depuis le 8 juin 2003 ❤️

5 commentaires

Le 05/05/2022 à 11h 26

joyeux anniversaire

Le 06/07/2018 à 12h 42

c’est un concours qui m’a fait inscrire sur le site en 2003 et je suis resté pour le contenu mais je ne serais pas contre gagner une seconde fois <img data-src=" />

Le 21/08/2013 à 10h 12

Les processeurs actuels sont trop rapides pour pouvoir simuler une partie de foot féminin à vitesse réelle.

Le 15/07/2013 à 14h 46

Kilgoreweb a écrit :

Si ils étaient moins gourmands sur leurs parts de revenus et dividendes, le modèle serait viable, en tout cas, bien plus que ce qu’ils veulent nous faire croire.

Ne pas oublier que Radiohead ont été les premiers à mettre un album en téléchargement libre, je pense qu’il fait vraiment ça pour défendre ses “collègues” artistes (et pas parce qu’il ne peut pas se payer son aquarium à requin en or massif)

Le 21/04/2013 à 17h 00

slasher-fun a écrit :

Effectivement, un coup d’oeil rapide à la source du site indique que la vidéo d’arrière plan esthttp://vimeo.com/62252536

Et que du coup, ça n’a pas grand chose d’interactif.

Et en ouvrant la console on a ça :

Unable to post message tohttp://player.vimeo.com. Recipient has originhttp://donottouch.org.


Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URLhttp://donottouch.org/ from frame with URLhttp://player.vimeo.com/video/62553531?api=1&player_id=player&autoplay=t… Domains, protocols and ports must match.

L’URL fournie n’est pas autorisée par la configuration de l’application.: Une ou plusieurs URL fournies ne sont pas autorisées par les paramètres de l’application. Elle(s) doi(ven)t correspondre à l’URL du site ou du Canevas, ou le domaine doit être un sous-domaine de l’un des domaines de l’application. oauth:1

A sign reads: Please ignore those vimeo errors. We can’t do anything about them. build.js:2665

/-*|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-*\ build.js:2667

*|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|*/ build.js:2667

/-*|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-\|/-*\ build.js:2667

Oh! build.js:2691

Gosh.. build.js:2691

H-hello! build.js:2691

How embarassing.. build.js:2691

I was not not prepared for this. build.js:2691

This place is a mess! build.js:2691

Look at all those semi-colons! build.js:2691

Didn’t anyone tell you? build.js:2691

Nobody is allowed behind the curtain. build.js:2691

Oh, come in then.. build.js:2691

You must be a fellow developer, right? build.js:2691

Seeking answers you must be. build.js:2691

.. build.js:2691

I was told by our intern Adina not to work on easter build.js:2691

So I decided I should make an easter egg instead. build.js:2691

.. build.js:2691

This interactive music video was made by us. build.js:2691

And by us, I mean Moniker:http://studiomoniker.com build.js:2691

We are a design & development studio based in Amsterdam build.js:2691

And by we, I mean Jonathan Puckey, Roel Wouters & Luna Maurer. build.js:2691

That is our place in the video. build.js:2691

Nice, isn’t it? build.js:2691

We make things that change over time. build.js:2691

Projects that are always evolving. build.js:2691

We design environments in which you, dear reader, can play. build.js:2691

Oh, but just listen to me blabbering on! build.js:2691

You came here for technical details, didn’t you. build.js:2691

Let me see.. build.js:2691

(We are looking for technically gifted interns by the way! [email protected]) build.js:2691

The computer at the start of the video is an MSX build.js:2691

It was Roel’s first computer. build.js:2691

His dad kept it for him and we dusted it off for the video. build.js:2691

Roel used to code computer demos on it as a kid with his best friend Koen. build.js:2691

(Hi Koen!) build.js:2691

The frontend of this site was coded using Components.io build.js:2691

you should try it, you should really try it build.js:2691

How we made your cursor big, you ask? build.js:2691

Well, we hide your cursor by replacing it with an empty .cur file build.js:2691

We draw a pointer image on a canvas at the position of your mouse, whenever you move it build.js:2691

Our backend is quite barebones really. build.js:2691

This is a static site hosted on Amazon S3 build.js:2691

Since S3 orders listings by alphabet we can use it like a database. build.js:2691

We have our visitors upload their cursor data directly to S3 (Amazon does CORS these days, yay!), build.js:2691

This way we do not need expensive servers and we shouldn’t have any scaling issues. build.js:2691

We composite the music video with the latest pointers every 30 minutes orso build.js:2691

For that we use Node.js & FFMPEG (node-canvas, levelup, knox we love you) build.js:2691

We then upload the composited video to Vimeo build.js:2691

When Vimeo is done compressing the video, we embed it on our site build.js:2691

There are two versions of the video, so we can switch one out for the other. build.js:2691

(thanks Vimeo for being so awesome - without cheap video hosting, this would not be possible) build.js:2691

That is it, really… build.js:2691

Oh yes, I forgot shoutouts. build.js:2691

We want to big up: build.js:2691

Luna?Res, build.js:2691

Roel?Kj, build.js:2691

Jonathan?Marieke&Sara for being such amazing friends, build.js:2691

Julia Born & Nina Paim for designing our Conditional Design Workbook, build.js:2691

Pinar & Viola, Jonas Lund, build.js:2691

Rafaël Rozendaal, MetaHaven, Based God, build.js:2691

Edo Paulus, Jonas Lund, build.js:2691

Kunst + Teknik & Martin (we love the internet too!) build.js:2691

And a big shout out to Jürg Lehni, who we make Paper.js together with build.js:2691

Yo Jürgermeister! build.js:2691

  • build.js:2691

    These console messages are dedicated to Mara, build.js:2691

    (A girl your humble narrator had a major crush on back in the day) build.js:2691

    She used to tell tales of ninja warrior princesses build.js:2691

    in the HTML source code of her employer’s ringtone website build.js:2691

    until one day they found out build.js:2691

    and sternly asked her never to do it again build.js:2691

    Mara, if you are reading this: build.js:2691

    That was awesome. build.js:2691

    . build.js:2691

    .. build.js:2691

    … build.js:2691

    So this is really it. build.js:2691

    So long, and thanks for all the fish. build.js:2691

    love, Jonathan, Luna & Roel build.js:2691

    ……. build.js:2691

    …….. build.js:2691


    Let us count the ways i++ you build.js:2691