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2 commentaires

NAS piratés avec SynoLocker et demande de rançon : Synology confirme

Le 04/08/2014 à 17h 54

La réponse de Synology sur Facebook (groupe NAS-Forum.com):

Hello Everyone,

We’d like to give you an update regarding SynoLocker, a ransomware affecting certain Synology servers.

When trying to access DSM, it displays the following message “All important files on this NAS have been encrypted using strong cryptography”, in addition to instructions for paying a fee to unlock your data.

What should you do?
If you are seeing this message when trying to login to DSM:

1-Power off the DiskStation immediately to avoid more files being encrypted

2-Contact our Support team so we can investigate further. If you are in doubt as to whether your DiskStation may be affected, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected]

We apologize for any issue this has created, we will keep you updated with latest information as we address this issue.

Our support team can be reached here:http://bit.ly/UgW2wa

HTC annonce enfin son One mini : 4,3 pouces, capteur UltraPixel conservé

Le 18/07/2013 à 09h 57

Les propriétaires de HTC One S sont priés de jeter leur One S, qui ne sera plus jamais mis à jour, et d’acheter un One Mini à la place. Merci <img data-src=" />