Sa saveur douce incite à en boire plusieurs verres, mais sa consommation en excès peut produire des bouleversements gastriques, outre une très mauvaise gueule de bois.
10/09/2014 à
jb18v a écrit :
je peux ptet aider mais bon " />
bah je veux bien hein, mais c’est quand même une bonne centaine de pages " /> " />
Pourtant ça te permettrait de connaitre les tout derniers développement en matière de reconstruction de réseaux métaboliques et de résolution de problèmes combinatoires " /> " /> " />
10/09/2014 à
misterB a écrit :
Je ne rentre dans aucuns critères " />" />" />
" />" />" />
10/09/2014 à
misterB a écrit :
Les Sons sont de retours " />
" />" />" />
Mais je rends ma thèse dans une semaine et demi, vais faire une pause dans les séries là " />
D’ailleurs si un relecteur bon en orthographe a du temps à perdre…
A: Unfortunately, they have discovered that it is actually cheaper to ship Ireland to the television." />
My wife and I bought this after selling our daughter Amanda into white slavery. We actually got a refurbished. It’s missing the remote, but oh well– for \(10K off, I can afford a universal, right? The picture is amazing. I've never seen the world with such clarity.
Amanda, if you're reading this, hang in there, honey! We'll see you in a year.
I just wanted to add an addendum to my review. Since posting it, we have received a flood of responses. People have said some pretty hurtful things--even questioning our values. Let me assure you, this was not an easy decision to make, and we made it as a family. Obviously, it's very personal. But in light of all the second-guessing, I wanted to explain our thinking.
First and foremost, screen size. I really think you can't go too big. 85" may seem huge, but you get used to it fast. Second, resolution. Is 4K overkill? Please, that's what they said about 1080P! More dots = better. Period. And as far as this being a \)40,000 “dumb” TV, people need to re-read my initial post: WE BOUGHT IT REFURBISHED. It was only $30,000.
Some of you may think I’m avoiding the “elephant in the room”-the real reason why this was such a heart-wrenching choice. So let’s just get it out there. Yes, the 120 Hz refresh rate is a disappointment, especially on a 4K. But life is full of compromises. And frankly, we hardly notice. All in all, no regrets.
P.S., as for our daughter, NO ONE has the right to question our parenting. Totally out of bounds. Amanda was going into 7th grade, so it was going to be a transitional year anyway. Now she gets to see the world. How many kids her age get to go to Bahrain? I sure as heck didn’t, but you don’t hear me screaming “child abuse.” Bottom line: MYOB! Seriously.
Has it been a year already? Wow! I guess that’s what 8 hours a day of immersive TV will do for you! Many of you have expressed your eagerness for an update. Well, here goes.
Generally, the Samsung has held up beautifully. We have noticed a little bit of lag, mostly in multi-player gaming–but not enough to cost us any firefights. There have been some issues up-imaging low rez content, but that’s to be expected when you early-adopt–we’re still “waiting on the world to change,” as John Mayer would say (gosh he’s talented.) On the plus side, we feel like we are now officially part of the cast of GOT. The other night Peg almost had to open a window to let Daenerys’ dragons fly out!
And you’ll all be happy to know our darling Amanda is back with us, safe and sound. She has changed a little. She’s less talkative than before (though she had some choice words for me when I asked her to clean her room). And she’s started wearing eye make-up, which has Peg a bit concerned. But welcome to thirteen, I guess. We’re just glad to have her home. And she loves the TV. That’s the main thing. In fact, she spends so much time in front of it lately, you’d swear she owns it." />" />" />" />" />" />" />
Mais c’est vrai que ça prend de la place, ça a besoin de se défouler dehors, ça mange beaucoup et il faut au moins 200 balles pour la tatouer et la vacciner.
Stériliser j’aime pas tellement, Richard l’Anglais du chenil le fait tout de suite, je préfère laisser le maître décider.
C’est parce que tu n’as pas un coeur de lion " />
03/09/2014 à
Robix66 a écrit :
J’ai jamais été bon en sports de combat.
Je croyais que c’était interdit les combats de chien " />
3919 commentaires
PC INpact n’est plus : longue vie à Next INpact !
Le 11/09/2014 à 12h 11
Le 11/09/2014 à 10h 12
Le 11/09/2014 à 10h 11
Le 11/09/2014 à 10h 08
Fueg, t’es loin derrière avec ton bureau " /> " />
Le 11/09/2014 à 10h 05
Le 11/09/2014 à 07h 07
" />" />
Le 10/09/2014 à 22h 25
Le 10/09/2014 à 21h 33
Le 10/09/2014 à 21h 27
Le 10/09/2014 à 18h 51
Le 10/09/2014 à 18h 36
Le 10/09/2014 à 18h 36
Le 10/09/2014 à 18h 10
Le 10/09/2014 à 18h 02
Le 10/09/2014 à 17h 57
Le 10/09/2014 à 17h 56… " /> " /> " />
Le 10/09/2014 à 17h 30
Le 10/09/2014 à 16h 29
Le 10/09/2014 à 16h 22
YouTube" /> " />
Le 10/09/2014 à 12h 41
Le 10/09/2014 à 11h 48
YouTube" />" />" />
Le 10/09/2014 à 09h 42
Le 10/09/2014 à 08h 59 " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " /> " />" />
Le 09/09/2014 à 21h 12
De retour à Rennes " /> " />
Je suis mort " />
Je pense que ça a été les 5 jours les plus épuisantes de ma vie " /> " />
Le 06/09/2014 à 17h 21
Le 06/09/2014 à 17h 20
Le 06/09/2014 à 17h 14
Le 06/09/2014 à 17h 10
Le 05/09/2014 à 07h 16
" />" />" />" />" />
Le 04/09/2014 à 21h 07
Le 04/09/2014 à 21h 01
Retrouver des vêtements qui datent de la dernière conf dans son sac pour préparer la prochaine…. done " />
Le 04/09/2014 à 20h 16
Le 04/09/2014 à 18h 50
Le 04/09/2014 à 18h 49
Le 04/09/2014 à 18h 48
Le 04/09/2014 à 17h 55
pffffff marre de cette thèse " />
Mais demain départ à Strasbourg pour 5 jours de conférence " /> " />
Le 04/09/2014 à 12h 41
Le 03/09/2014 à 19h 46
Le 03/09/2014 à 19h 36
Le 03/09/2014 à 17h 26
Le 03/09/2014 à 17h 25
Le 03/09/2014 à 14h 04… " />" />" />
Le 03/09/2014 à 11h 42
Le 03/09/2014 à 09h 49
YouTube" />" />" />
Le 03/09/2014 à 09h 08 " />" />
Le 03/09/2014 à 08h 52
Le 02/09/2014 à 23h 06
Le resto qu’on s’est fait ce soir n’était pas mal du tout non plus " /> " /> " />
Mais à plus de 50€ le repas, faudra pas trop prendre l’habitude d’y aller " /> " /> " />
Le 02/09/2014 à 23h 04
Le 02/09/2014 à 23h 01
Le 02/09/2014 à 16h 49